Ensure excellent education for all your students
The Center for Effective Schools (CES) supports campuses and districts and is at the heart of continuous improvement efforts across the state of Texas.
See How the CES Can Support your Work
The CES supports several school improvement initiatives across the state and works closely with the Texas Education Agency, Regional Educational Service Centers, and LEAs across the state.
Effective Schools Framework
The ESF supports Campuses through the facilitation of the the ESF diagnostic process that results in the identification of prioritized practices the campus can focus on to support continuous improvement.
District Coordinator of School Improvement
The District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI) serves the vital role of guiding schools through the school improvement process and leading sustained positive change.
Tools and Resources
Access the tools and resources available to ESF Facilitators and School Improvement Leads as they support campuses and districts with their continuous improvement efforts.
Build Capacity
The CES works in tandem with TEA and Regional Education Service Centers to support continuous improvement efforts in campuses and districts across Texas. CES is building capacity by creating resources, providing training, and offering resources to various stakeholders across the state.

The CES manages a group of vetted School Improvement partners capable of meeting the diverse needs of schools across the state. Using the ESF and EDF Diagnostic and trained ESF and EDF Facilitators, CES can efficiently match districts and campuses with the School Improvement Partners best suited to meet their needs.

Tools and Resources
The CES has developed a repository of research-based tools and resources aligned to the Effective Schools Framework and Effective District Framework. Each tool has been designed using best practices to support district and school improvement efforts.

Expertise and Support
Facilitators support campuses and districts through the ESF & EDF diagnostic processes:
The Center for Effective Schools provides training and support to all ESF & EDF Facilitators as we continue to develop resources to support the work that is happening on campuses and in districts across the state. CES also manages the recruitment, hiring, training, and deployment of all External ESF & EDF Facilitators.
School Improvement Leads support campuses and districts within their region with all school improvement efforts:
The Center for Effective Schools provides support to School Improvement Leads through coordinated training opportunities specific to the ESF and EDF. Additionally, CES provides resources and online platforms to facilitate school improvement efforts.
DCSIs support school improvement efforts within their districts:
The Center for Effective Schools provides opportunities for DCSIs to build their capacity as leaders for change as they work with their campuses and districts for continuous improvement efforts.